What I present to the world is done with the intention of offering healing to those who lost there way, or forgot who they are.
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My journey has been a culmination of experiences that have taught me some of the most valuable lessons in life. Forgiveness, acceptance, trust, vulnerability and more. As a result I Learned to embrace all of my qualities and characteristics. This has enabled me to look at them honestly. With the penetrating sight of truth, healing happens, often in the most unlikely and unexpected ways.
Walking this red road has been a sobering experience. Humility has been one of my greatest allies. Recognition that all of us suffer is a reminder to see the purity past the pain. Also to not take things so personally that others do to us, for it is all a reflection of their pain, or ours.
Finding the value in life has been revealed through healing the suffering in whatever way it presented itself. Suffering presents itself in many ways. Through experiences, emotions, beliefs, patterns or behaviors.
Finding my current path in life has been a journey of meeting some beautiful teachers who taught me so much about people, healing and myself. The value, or my meaning and purpose you could say, is to share all I have learned to bring healing to others. To heal another is to heal yourself. Thank you for being my reflection, and the honor of being yours to hold space for you to heal yourself.
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