Ascension Healing Centre

The greatest change comes from within


Is it worth it?

I ask myself this question a lot, it helps to realign me when I have the thought to react instead of respond, or to offer my perception/opinion to others. What I mean by “is it worth it”, is does it do or offer any benefit? Can the other person understand or do they even want another view? Often the answer is no, there are a lot of people who are quite happy being angry/frustrated or being the victim, it is pleasing to their ego.

The reason I ask myself that question, is to gauge whether or not to expend the energy. Our energy is very precious, and with all the external distractions, let alone the internal ones, we need to be vigilant about how we expend our energy.

We hold energy in 3 main places in the body, most of the time we draw from our lower(physical) Dantian, and keep the other two positions topped up. Ideally this is how our body works, and the energetic position can be reserved for an emergency or as a reserve to be drawn from if we are sick. The spiritual position holds energy of a very special quality and can help us develop…well…spiritually. Helping us to have the energy necessary to connect to our higher self, and sustain connection with the spirit world for various reasons pertaining to healing work, personal development and even prayer.

The challenge most face, is a depletion of the physical energy, a leaking of energetic or depletion, and an under developed spiritual energy level.

For the physical, proper diet, sleep and exercise is helpful, as is emotional awareness and management.  The low quality foods can often take more energy to digest than they give, and lack of quality sleep is cutting our rejuvenation time short. Sedentary lifestyle and emotional outbursts/poor emotional management further deplete this center. Once it is depleted and or consistently low, our health can suffer, and our body naturally takes energy from another reserve in the body, sustain this for too long and there is no energy left to draw for healing and maintaining balance, and the body begins to break down and get sick/out of balance.

Too much stress/anxiety depletes the second center(energetic) and complicates the body’s ability to maintain balance.

Asking yourself, is it worth it, is a way to decide what you do with your precious energy. spend it wisely!

For those of you who like to do the inner work and rejuvenate your energy, my private sessions and groups are helpful in not only clearing energy that is heavy or depleting, but the groups/sessions are powerful ways to rejuvenate your energy levels too!

You can view the private sessions available here

You can sign up for the Friday night sound healing groups here.

Be empowered, be well

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